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Two Things that Kill Your Website Conversion Rate and Wipe Out Profits

What does your customer really want and is that message reflected on your website? This blog post examines the two things that kill website conversion rates and hinder profits.

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StoryBrand Business Coach Website Example

Maybe you have a great product or service but just know deep down it’s being held back by your ability to convert people when they come to your website. That's where we come in. Here we explore the before & after for a coach of female financial advisors.

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Beat the big spenders: 7 things that will save you money on marketing

You can have a competitive advantage today and not spend big bucks. These 7 things can help...

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StoryBrand Website Example For Financial Advisors (Before & After)

See what a StoryBranded website looks like for a financial advisor and find out "5 things to think about when redoing your website"

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Where To Find Sticky Phrases

Finding the golden ticket to communication with your customers is right at your fingertips! In this blog post we will talk about how to make your website copy pop with this simple activity.

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How to write better marketing content: Overcome insider lingo

Stop overwhelming people with your boring marketing content! Watch my interview with Michaela Rawsthorn of Mergen Consultants. She specializes in helping businesses say what they need to say. She's THE expert in content creation and has some good nuggets to share.

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Go ahead & talk about how your Grandfather started the company

Sure your customers are the most important story to talk about, but the founder's story when used the right way can make you stand out from the crowd...

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How to write more engaging copy: 3 Ways to Improve Today

Great copy keeps people engaged. Bad copy encourages the mind to wander (disengagement)! One of these leads to greater sales. The other doesn’t. So what’s the difference? There are 3 principles, if applied, that make ALL the DIFFERENCE.

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Your vision and values might cost you customers.

You are sitting down at coffee with a potential investor or stakeholder and something happens to all your dreams and ideas—they fall flat. Why?

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